Latest Episodes

Season Two: Episode 5 - We Did It (not)
Experts, errors, bold claims, and controversy

Season Two: Episode 4 - Expedition Aftermath
A lost report appears and another player in the original drama comes forward.

Season Two: Episode 3 - In the wake of the Colorado
The second TIGHAR expedition to Nikumaroro re-enacts the 1937 U.S. Navy search and finds surprises, frustrations. and new clues.

Season Two: Episode 2 - Making It Happen
Evaluating a new witness, planning the work for the second expedition, and dealing with a last-minure crisis.

Season Two: Episode 1 - A Bigger Expedition
New leads and big plans for TIGHAR's return to Nikiumaroro in 1991.

Season One Compilation - all episodes
All of the Episodes in Season One - the 1989 expedition.